Theunis is difficult to pin down. He has lived so many different lives that trying to understand his value, you need to actually understand the depth of his understanding of the world and how to work within it
Theunis combines a Master's in Design with creativity and practical skills, making significant strides in sustainable design at Sharewares to reduce plastic waste. His work, which subtly incorporates research, focuses on developing eco-friendly solutions in the reusable container sector. He skillfully merges design with research, contributing to community projects with the Vancouver Design Nerd community and the City of Vancouver.
In the film industry, Theunis honed his leadership and problem-solving skills, preparing him for complex challenges. His involvement in the Maker movement reflects his dedication to sustainability, utilizing researched materials and techniques in his projects.
His education is highlighted by a SSHRC research grant and involvement in research-focused programs at Emily Carr University, CITYSTUDIO Vancouver, and SFU's RADIUS initiatives, showcasing his commitment to innovative applications of research.
Theunis's blend of design, hands-on application, and informed research approach, coupled with his values of inclusion, equity, and diversity, make him a valuable asset in diverse environments. His international experience broadens his perspective, ensuring his work benefits from wide-ranging insights and principles.